From breathing new life into a tired ’70s Nebraska office building to the opening of Welch Dental Group’s satellite office and suburban Houston medical office park, the completion of a striking new headquarters for Pearl Dental in Baton Rouge, 2024 has been an exciting period of completing and documenting ALIGN Architects design work!
With significant new projects starting in Scottsdale, AZ, and Boaz, AL, we’re enthusiastic about the coming months and optimistic about the future! (Now if we can get the FED to play nicely, we’ll all be happy!)
We wish you all the best!
– Tim & Dan

Now, temporary black lay-in tiles have all been replaced with finished wood panels, and a custom-made ‘Pearl’ chandelier highlights the two-story lobby that also includes a beautiful, custom refreshment area!
“I really, really love this office! Patients love it too!”
– Dr. Andre Bruni, Pearl Dental Group


Okay, so there is no ‘best’, but theories on the optimum function and value at the Dental 12 O’clock wall/delivery have been a key part of my dental design for over 20 years. With good detailing, the cabinet elements can be custom-built and made to accommodate all of the key pieces of dental delivery and support. (Typically a good money-saving option.)
At Pearl Dental, the desire for visually significant treatment corridors (do the architecture thing!) was married to the A-dec 591 Treatment Console. Dr. Bruni has a history with different types of headwall solutions and now prefers the completely engineered and enclosed face it provides. Anything you want, “there’s a module for that.”
Wrapping the A-dec consoles with the actual construction of framing, drywall, and other finish materials is a bit harder than you’d think… for some reason, A-dec insists (w/ typical ordering) on standard side and rear finish panels, but if you get in early and eliminate the superfluous pieces, it can be done.
It is more money, but this is a darned good solution!